Technology and job accommodations bring many jobs within reach. |
Sometimes, specialized equipment can make a job easier to do. Other times a change in how a job is done may be a good idea. The employee or job applicant is responsible for requesting reasonable job accommodations for a disability, but usually the employer and individual collaborate to choose the best option.
What are reasonable accommodations?
Reasonable accommodations are adjustments that allow people with disabilities to perform the essential functions of a job. They vary based on the type of job and a person's unique needs. Examples include:
Restructure the job. Involves changing when or how tasks are performed.
Modify work schedules. This may allow an employee with a disability to handle medical appointments or medication schedules, get needed rest, etc.
Acquire or modify existing equipment or devices. For example adjusting a desk height for wheelchair access, or providing an employee a mouth stick device to type on their computer.
Provide assistive technology or devices. Examples include computer screen readers for employees with visual impairments, or a telephone compatible with an employee's hearing aid.
Adjust or modify tests and training materials. Includes providing materials in alternate formats, such as braille, CD or large print.
How can I find out if my employer is obligated to accommodate my disability?
The ADA and other laws have requirements for reasonable workplace accommodations for people with disabilities. Check out the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) for information on job accommodations and help understanding your rights and responsibilities.
Learn more about job accommodations:
- Accommodation information A to Z is a directory of information on impairments, accommodation ideas and organizations you can contact
- The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) offers free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues
- Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) offers various accommodation options for people with disabilities in work and educational settings
- Learn more about accessible workplace technology
- Find the North Carolina Division of Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities office or NC Services for the Blind office nearest you.
![]() | Information provided by CareerOneStop. CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration and the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development. |