Concierges assist patrons at hotel, apartment, or office building with personal services. They may take messages, arrange or give advice on transportation, business services, and entertainment, or monitor guest requests for housekeeping and maintenance.
- Concierges
- Hospitality and Tourism
What do they typically do
- Carry out unusual requests, such as searching for hard-to-find items or arranging for exotic services
- Make reservations for patrons and obtain tickets to special events
- Arrange for interpreters or translators when patrons require such services
- Receive, store, or deliver luggage or mail
- Provide directions to guests
- Make travel arrangements for sightseeing or other tours
- Pick up and deliver items or run errands for guests
- Provide information about local features, such as shopping, dining, nightlife, or recreational destinations
Number of Jobs
Average Annual
Job Growth +1.5%
Job Openings 93
Education & Training
- Education Most occupations require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree.Associated Programs or MajorsLicense
Private Training Programs
Change 65