Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents connect buyers and sellers in financial markets. They sell securities to individuals, advise companies in search of investors, and conduct trades.
- Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents
- Finance
What do they typically do
- Contact prospective clients to present information and explain available services
- Offer advice on the purchase or sale of particular securities
- Buy and sell securities, such as stocks and bonds
- Buy and sell commodities, such as corn, oil, and gold
- Monitor financial markets and the performance of individual securities
- Analyze company finances to provide recommendations for public offerings, mergers, and acquisitions
- Evaluate cost and revenue of agreements
Number of Jobs
Average Annual
Job Growth +0.4%
Job Openings 8
Education & Training
- Education Most require a four-year bachelor's degree, but some do not.Associated Programs or MajorsLicense
Private Training Programs
Change 3