• Proofreaders and Copy Markers
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 41,720
    $30,980 range bar $64,390
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 1
    Very Slow Growing
  • Proofreaders and Copy Markers read transcript or proof type setup to detect and mark for correction any grammatical, typographical, or compositional errors. This category excludes workers whose primary duty is editing copies, while including proofreaders of braille.

What do they typically do

  • Route proofs with marked corrections to authors, editors, typists, or typesetters for correction or reprinting
  • Mark copy to indicate and correct errors in type, arrangement, grammar, punctuation, or spelling
  • Archive documents, conduct research, and read copy, using the internet and various computer programs
  • Compare information or figures on one record against same data on other records, or with original copy, to detect errors
  • Consult with authors and editors regarding manuscript changes and suggestions
  • Correct or record omissions, errors, or inconsistencies found
  • Consult reference books or secure aid of readers to check references with rules of grammar and composition
  • Read corrected copies or proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth -0.2%
Job Openings 51

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