Insulation workers, also called insulators, install and replace the materials used to insulate buildings.
- Floor, Ceiling, and Wall Insulation Workers
- Architecture and Construction
What do they typically do
- Cover, seal, or finish insulated surfaces or access holes with plastic covers, canvas strips, sealants, tape, cement or asphalt mastic
- Read blueprints and select appropriate insulation based on space characteristics and the heat retaining or excluding characteristics of the material
- Move controls, buttons, or levers to start blowers and regulate flow of materials through nozzles
- Fit, wrap, staple, or glue insulating materials to structures or surfaces using hand tools or wires
- Fill blower hoppers with insulating materials
- Cover and line structures with blown or rolled forms of materials to insulate against cold, heat, or moisture using tools like saws, rasps, trowels, and blowers
- Distribute insulating materials evenly into small spaces within floors, ceilings, or walls, using blowers and hose attachments or cement mortars
- Measure and cut insulation for covering surfaces using tape measures, handsaws, power saws, knives, or scissors
Number of Jobs
Average Annual
Job Growth +1.1%
Job Openings 1
Education & Training
- Education These occupations usually require a high school diploma.Associated Programs or MajorsLicense
Private Training Programs