• Oil and Gas Roustabouts
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 0
    $0 range bar $0
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 1
    Very Slow Growing
  • Oil and Gas Roustabouts assemble or repair oil field equipment.

What do they typically do

  • Unscrew or tighten pipes, casing, tubing, and pump rods, using hand and power wrenches and tongs
  • Keep pipe deck and main deck areas clean and tidy
  • Walk flow lines to locate leaks, using electronic detectors and by making visual inspections, and repair the leaks
  • Move pipes to and from trucks, using truck winches and motorized lifts, or by hand
  • Bolt together pump and engine parts
  • Guide cranes to move loads about decks
  • Clean up spilled oil by bailing it into barrels
  • Dig drainage ditches around wells and storage tanks
  • Bolt or nail together wood or steel framework to erect derricks
  • Cut down and remove trees and brush to clear drill sites, to reduce fire hazards, and to make way for roads to sites

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth 0.0%
Job Openings 0

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Education & Training

  • Education

    Some may require a high school diploma or GED certificate.
    Associated Programs or Majors
    • NA
Private Training Programs

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