Printables & Tools



NEW 2023 Star Jobs Brochures by Region (8.5x11) - A printable resource that details the top rated occupations by region sorted by BLS minimum education level.

Career Exploration Guide (Updated Spring 2023 for viewing) (12MB) - North Carolina’s guide to career clusters, pathways, and occupations to help grow your future.

Career Exploration Guide (updated Spring 2023 for printing) (140MB) -- This is a version of the guide to share with professional printers for those interested in printing their own copies.

Printable version of the Interest Finder Assessment

Printable version of the Career Cluster Match Assessment

Mini-Career Cluster Handbook (Printed 2019) - A small PDF version of the Career Exploration Guide.

Career Cluster Re-Entry Guide (Printed 2020) - A small PDF version of the Career Exploration Guide focused on individuals reentering the workforce after a period of incarceration.

Career Cluster Military Guide (Printed 2020) - A small PDF version of the Career Exploration Guide focused on individuals entering the civilian labor force after exiting military service.

Educators can access student accounts with a ProTools account through CFNC.