• Animal Breeders
  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 0
    $0 range bar $0
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 2
    Slow Growing
  • Animal Breeders use a knowledge of genetics and animal science to select and breed animals to produce offspring with desired traits and characteristics.

What do they typically do

  • Select animals to be bred, and semen specimens to be used, according to knowledge of animals, genealogies, traits, and desired offspring characteristics
  • Feed and water animals, and clean and disinfect pens, cages, yards, and hutches
  • Record animal characteristics such as weights, growth patterns, and diets
  • Purchase and stock supplies of feed and medicines
  • Build hutches, pens, and fenced yards
  • Treat minor injuries and ailments and contact veterinarians to obtain treatment for animals with serious illnesses or injuries
  • Examine animals to detect symptoms of illness or injury
  • Observe animals in heat to detect approach of estrus and exercise animals to induce or hasten estrus

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth +0.4%
Job Openings 5

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