• Fishing and Hunting Workers
  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 0
    $0 range bar $0
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 5
    Very Fast Growing
  • Fishing and Hunting Workers catch and trap various types of animal life. The fish and wild animals they catch are for human food, animal feed, bait, and other uses.

What do they typically do

  • Obtain permission from landowners to hunt or trap on their land
  • Patrol trap lines or nets to inspect settings, remove catch, and reset or relocate traps
  • Steer vessels and operate navigational instruments
  • Skin quarry, using knives, and stretch pelts on frames to be cured
  • Maintain and repair trapping equipment
  • Maintain engines, fishing gear, and other on-board equipment and perform minor repairs
  • Scrape fat, blubber, or flesh from skin sides of pelts with knives or hand scrapers
  • Track animals by checking for signs such as droppings or destruction of vegetation
  • Compute positions and plot courses on charts to navigate vessels, using instruments such as compasses, sextants, and charts
  • Participate in animal damage control, wildlife management, disease control, and research activities

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth +2.3%
Job Openings 2

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Education & Training

  • Education

    Some may require a high school diploma or GED certificate.
    Associated Programs or Majors
    • NA
Private Training Programs

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