• Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairers
  • Manufacturing
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 56,767
    $45,094 range bar $60,103
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 5
    Very Fast Growing
  • Radio, Cellular, and Tower Equipment Installers and Repairers install, maintain, or repair mobile or stationary radio transmitting, broadcasting, and receiving equipment, and two-way radio communications systems used in cellular telecommunications, mobile broadband, ship-to-shore, aircraft-to-ground communications, and radio equipment in service and emergency vehicles. They may test and analyze network coverage.

What do they typically do

  • Run appropriate power, ground, or coaxial cables
  • Read work orders, blueprints, plans, datasheets or site drawings to determine work to be done
  • Install all necessary transmission equipment components, including antennas or antenna mounts, surge arrestors, transmission lines, connectors, or tower-mounted amplifiers (TMAs)
  • Test operation of tower transmission components, using sweep testing tools or software
  • Replace existing antennas with new antennas as directed
  • Bolt equipment into place
  • Check antenna positioning to ensure specified azimuths or mechanical tilts and adjust as necessary
  • Inspect completed work to ensure all hardware is tight, antennas are level, hangers are properly fastened, proper support is in place, and adequate weather proofing has been installed

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth +2.3%
Job Openings 5

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