Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers transport goods from one location to another. Most tractor-trailer drivers are long-haul drivers and operate trucks with a total weight exceeding 26,000 pounds for the vehicle, passengers, and cargo. These drivers deliver goods over intercity routes that sometimes span several states.
- Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
What do they typically do
- Drive long distances
- Report any incidents encountered on the road to a dispatcher
- Follow all applicable traffic laws
- Secure cargo for transport, using ropes, blocks, chains, or covers
- Inspect their trailers before and after the trip and record any defects they find
- Maintain a log of their working hours, following all federal and state regulations
- Report serious mechanical problems to the appropriate people
- Keep their trucks and associated equipment clean and in good working order
Number of Jobs
Average Annual
Job Growth +1.0%
Job Openings 106
Education & Training
- Education These occupations usually require a high school diploma.Associated Programs or MajorsLicense
Private Training Programs
Change 72