• Machine Feeders and Offbearers
  • Manufacturing
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 31,853
    $22,863 range bar $37,767
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 1
    Very Slow Growing
  • Machine Feeders and Offbearers feed materials into or remove materials from machines or equipment that is automatic or tended by other workers.

What do they typically do

  • Load materials and products into machines and equipment or onto conveyors using hand tools and moving devices
  • Inspect materials and products for defects and to make sure they conform to specifications
  • Fasten, package, or stack materials and products using hand tools and fastening equipment
  • Identify and mark materials, products, and samples, following instructions
  • Weigh or measure materials or products to make sure they conform to specifications
  • Push dual control buttons and move controls to start, stop, or adjust machinery and equipment
  • Clean and maintain machinery, equipment, and work areas to ensure proper functioning and safe working conditions
  • Remove materials and products from machines and equipment, and place them in boxes, trucks or conveyors, using hand tools and moving devices

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth +0.2%
Job Openings 12

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Education & Training

  • Education

    These occupations usually require a high school diploma.
    Associated Programs or Majors
    • NA
Private Training Programs

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