Identify education & training opportunities

Professional and technical skill training is offered by accredited colleges and universities and by private training providers. If interested in short-term training, it is best to look at all options to determine which provides the highest value and quality.  Below is a table of Private Training Providers. You can search for training at NC’s community colleges and universities in our Find College Programs tool. Scholarships and grants may be available to community college and university programs as well as private providers for those who qualify. Visit your local NCWorks Career Center before enrolling to see if you are eligible. Awards cannot be made to those who enroll before speaking to their local Career Center. Don’t see a program you are interested in, visit the Eligible Training Provider List page for more information.
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Program TitleProvider NameAddressCityStateCredentialDurationCost
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)1100 Ridgefield BlvdAshevilleNCBuncombeAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)1340 Environ WayChapel HillNCChathamAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)1914 J N Pease PlaceCharlotteNCCabarrusAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)227 4th StreetCharlotteNCMecklenburgAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)6047 Tyvola Glen CircleCharlotteNCMecklenburgAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)690 North Reilly RoadFayettevilleNCCumberlandAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)520 8th St NE, Suite 204HickoryNCAlexanderAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)4030 Wake Forest RoadRaleighNCWakeAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)5540 Centerview DriveRaleighNCWakeAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more
CompTIA A+ Certification Training XLOnline Consulting Inc dba ONLC Training Centers (Raleigh)8801 Fast Park DriveRaleighNCDurhamAn industry-recognized certificate or certification, A measurable skills gain leading to a credential1 Weeks$2,500.00Learn more