• Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products
  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 32,350
    $19,470 range bar $37,840
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 1
    Very Slow Growing
  • Agricultural Product Graders and Sorters grade, sort, or classify unprocessed food and other agricultural products by size, weight, color, or condition.

What do they typically do

  • Record grade or identification numbers on tags or on shipping, receiving, or sales sheets
  • Grade and sort products according to factors such as color, species, length, width, appearance, feel, smell, and quality to ensure correct processing and usage
  • Place products in containers according to grade, and mark grades on containers
  • Weigh products or estimate their weight, visually or by feel
  • Separate fiber tufts between fingers to assess strength, uniformity, and cohesive quality of fibers
  • Get rid of inferior or defective products or foreign matter, and place acceptable products in containers for further processing

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth -0.1%
Job Openings 191

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