• Occupational Health and Safety Technicians
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 61,684
    $46,662 range bar $116,156
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 1
    Very Slow Growing
  • Occupational Health and Safety Technicians collect data on, analyze, and design improvements to many types of work environments and procedures. Technicians work with specialists to implement and evaluate programs aimed at mitigating risks to workers, property, the environment, and the public.

What do they typically do

  • Inspect, test, and evaluate workplace environments, programs, equipment, and practices to ensure that they follow government safety regulations
  • Design and implement workplace programs and procedures that control or prevent chemical, physical, or other risks to workers
  • Educate employers and workers about maintaining workplace safety
  • Demonstrate use of safety equipment and ensure proper use by workers
  • Investigate incidents to determine the cause and possible prevention
  • Prepare written reports of their findings

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth 0.0%
Job Openings 1

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