• All Other Computer Occupations
  • Information Technology
  • Annual Median Wage
    $ 79,435
    $41,168 range bar $130,104
    Annual NC Wage Range
    Growth Rate
    Image of growth rate score 0
  • Computer Occupations include personnel who work on computers, including IT, computer systems, and security. This category includes all computer occupations not contained somewhere else.

What do they typically do

  • Provide advice on project costs, design concepts, or design changes
  • Design test plans, scenarios, scripts, or procedures
  • Design databases to support business applications, ensuring system scalability, security, performance and reliability
  • Investigate customer problems referred by technical support
  • Create, analyze, report, convert, or transfer data, using specialized applications program software
  • Document test procedures to ensure replicability and compliance with standards
  • Communicate project information through presentations, technical reports, or white papers
  • Document software defects, using a bug tracking system, and report defects to software developers

Number of Jobs

Average Annual
Job Growth +1.7%
Job Openings 15

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